Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tour of the National Air and Space Museum on Reunion Saturday

This two hour tour is a slightly compressed version of the Highlights tours I normally give as a docent at NASM. It will cover aircraft and the space race, plus anything else folks wish to cover. In the time allowed I will probably skip visiting the WW 1 and WW 2 galleries, but will refer to the technical advancements made in those epochs. This will leave time to chat some about the iconic, unique artifacts - and the people associated with them- that NASM displays.

Think the original Wright flyer of 1903 and the two bicycle shop owners brothers who were first ever to successfully fly a manned, powered, controlled airplane; Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis of 1927 and his remarkable story; Amelia Earhart and her Little Red Bus; the Apollo 11 Command Module that took Neil Armstrong to land on the moon in 1969. None of these artifacts are replicas. You get the idea.

Charlie Henkin

1 comment:

  1. Charlie - So glad I've signed up for your tour on Reunion Weekend. See you there. - Michael
